K8S Staking Pool
Pool based on a high availability Kubernetes cluster managed and hosted in Switzerland.
Ticker : K8S
Pool ID : 0960deeaabd7ca77a970e2932d06ec594c902301973041c6d9b1dc2e
Pool operator since 30 July 2020
This pool is one of the first 20 pools to be registered on the Cardano blockchain. So we have a lot of experience in managing this pool.
Minimum fixed fees
We align ourselves to the minimum fixed fees.
100K Pledge
0% fees
This pool has no fees !
The projects that we support
We support adapools.org so that they can continue to develop their websites ! We donate 20$ each month.
If you have proposals to support other projects, I invite you to come to the K8s pool telegram and make proposals.
Our pool and our relays are based on a self-hosted Kubernetes cluster in Switzerland. This high availability cluster is composed of 3 master nodes, which makes it possible to lose a complete server without interruption of service. This configuration also makes it possible to update one of the servers without any interrupt. The cardano blockchain is stored on a volume in RAM which makes it as fast as possible during the validation of blocks.
If you have any questions regarding the operation or the security of the pool you can contact me by telegram @mateomuller

In order to be transparent and that all our delegators can verify that the Pool is functioning correctly, we are going to set up a public monitoring system.